“Developing the next generation of
business and civic leaders in
the Inland Empire”
Regional Leadership Academy

Developing the Next Generation of Business and Civic Leaders in the Inland Empire
The Regional Leadership Academy is intended to serve actively engaged members of the regional community in the public and private sectors. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of critical issues facing the Inland Empire region, including the Coachella Valley and the High Desert, Southern California, and the state of California. Those interested in advancing their knowledge of regional issues, public policy, political and cultural perceptions of the Inland Empire within the state, and leadership skills are encouraged to participate.
Participants will engage in all-day monthly sessions from September 2024 to July 2025. The group will also travel to various destinations to connect with regional and statewide leaders. These travel opportunities will encourage civic engagement and building relationships necessary for leadership. IEEP will present those who complete* the academy with a certificate endorsed by California State University San Bernardino and California Baptist University.
We invite you to sponsor a (n) individual(s) from your exceptional team to the academy who would, in turn, benefit from your efforts through an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the Inland Empire’s role in relation to Southern California and the state of California. We ask you also to consider sponsoring candidates who reflect the diverse demographics of our region.
We ask that you contribute $2,000 per participant to The Regional Leadership Academy to support associated costs. This tax-deductible contribution (501c3) goes toward the cost of planning, facilitation, catering (all lunches are included), rental/facility fees, and some transportation (includes buses, hotel, and airfare to Sacramento). This investment has the potential to benefit the leader(s) you have identified greatly.
2024-2025 RLA applications are now closed! We look forward to our program year with the 12th Regional Leadership Academy cohort.
For any questions regarding the Regional Leadership Academy, please contact Audrey Egger at Aegger@ieep.com

RLA Session 1
On Friday, September 13th, 2024, the 12th Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) cohort started the 24-25 year with their first session: Introduction to the Program & the Regional Lens.
The RLA’s first session was hosted by IEEP’s valued partner, California Steel Industries (CSI). Director of Operations and Quality for CSI, Scott Starr, laid the groundwork for CSI’s invaluable role in the Inland Empire’s regional notoriety and economic standing. Dr. Nathan Gonzales, AK Smiley Library, presented a historical background of the region for the cohort to better understand the development of the Inland Empire’s identity since its creation. Dr. Manfred Keil, IEEP Chief Economist, finished the session with an economic analysis of the Inland Empire, identifying the region’s strengths, continued growth, and the importance of retaining and supporting the IE workforce.
The cohort, led by CSI’s metallurgists, also toured the steel and galvanizing mills on-site in Fontana, CA. CSI continues to be an exemplary leader in the Inland Empire region, supporting local training and retention and creating a hub for steel production that has been long-standing and vital to the makeup of the Inland Empire.
Thank you to CSI for yet another year of collaboration and our presenters for sharing the foundational pieces supporting the Inland Empire’s trajectory and strength with the newly inaugurated cohort.
The next RLA session is October 11th, 2024: Local and County Government.
IEEP is excited for the year ahead with our 12th cohort!
IEEP Presentation Final
RLA Session 2
On Friday, October 11th, 2024, the 12th Regional Leadership Academy cohort visited the City of Ontario for Session Two: City and County Government.
Ontario City Mayor Paul S. Leon greeted the cohort for an introduction to the importance of regional leadership. Following the Mayor, department leads including Nicholas Gonzalez (Parks and Recreation), Armen Harkalyan (Finance), Sergeant Patrick Woolweaver (Ontario Police Department, Real Time Info Center), and Scott Ochoa (City Manager) shared their expertise on their departmental efforts contributing to the City of Ontario’s notable success.
The cohort also took a tour of downtown Ontario, where innovative and community-driven development is thriving! The tour was led by Jennifer McLain Hiramoto (Economic Development), Rudy Zeledon (Community Development), and Dan Bell (Communications and Community Relations) and finished with a visit to the construction site of Ontario’s first Fire Department, headed by Dan Beers (Principal Project Manager).
To finish out the session, the cohort heard from San Bernardino County Fourth District Supervisor Curt Hagman, who participated in a Q&A discussion with IEEP President and CEO Paul Granillo. Supervisor Hagman shared his pathway to local office and the importance of city-county relationships in strengthening the Inland Empire.
IEEP thanks the City of Ontario for hosting the RLA and for the indelible mark their work is leaving on the Inland Empire – our collaboration was an excellent addition to the cohort’s year!
The next RLA Session is November 8th, 2024: Utilities, hosted by SoCalGas!

RLA Session 3
For Session Three, Utilities, of the 24-25 Regional Leadership Academy, the 12th cohort traveled to Downey to visit SoCalGas’s Model Hydrogen Home and Energy Resource Center.
The cohort heard from Regional Public Affairs Manager Kristine Scott for an overview of initiatives, programs, and advocacy efforts at SoCalGas.
After introductory presentations, the class toured the Energy Resource Center (ERC), home to all innovative programs for SoCalGas and the H2 Innovation Experience Model Hydrogen Home located on-site, North America’s first-ever clean, renewable hydrogen-powered microgrid and home. This project demonstrates how net-zero gas made from renewable electricity can be used in pure form or as a blend to fuel energy systems and communities of the future.
IEEP thanks SoCalGas for their hospitality and for providing the RLA cohort with an in-depth look into utilities and their importance in the day-to-day functions of Inland Empire residents.
RLA Session Four: Education in the Inland Empire, December 13th, 2024.

RLA Session 4
The 12th RLA cohort’s fourth session of the program year, Education in the Inland Empire, took place on December 13th.
The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools hosted the cohort in the morning. The event started with a Q&A and discussion with Superintendent Ted Alejandre. Following Superintendent Alejandre, the cohort heard from a diverse panel of Inland Empire Educators who shared their successes, challenges and hopes for the Inland Empire education system.
Panelists included Dr. Carol Tsushima, Administrator – Alliance/SBCROP (Moderator); Dr. Stephanie Houston, Assistant Superintendent, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Don English, Board Member, Chaffey Joint Union High School District; Dr. Gilbert Contreras, President, San Bernardino Valley College; Dr. Tina Peterson, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Colton Joint Unified School District; and James Moses, Regional Director, Child Care Resource Center.
During the afternoon portion of the session, the cohort visited the KVCR Public Media Studio, located on the San Bernardino Valley College campus, an excellent regional media resource. Led by Vanessa Wiarco, Community Engagement Manager, the cohort toured the television and radio studios and participated in community shoutouts for their organizations.
The next RLA session is January 10th, 2025: Law Enforcement, hosted by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.

RLA Session 5
On January 10, the 12th RLA cohort attended Session Five: Law Enforcement, hosted by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, marking the halfway point of the program.
The class started the session with a presentation from Deputy Sheriff Shannon Dicus, who addressed the challenges and successes seen in San Bernardino County. Following Deputy Sheriff Dicus, the cohort toured the Academy training grounds, handled firearms at the shooting range, and ran simulations of high-intensity situations officers often face on duty. After lunch, provided by the SBCSD Culinary Program, the cohort finished the day with a presentation from Captain James Porter of the Community Service and Reentry Division who leads a team working tirelessly to better serve incarcerated individuals in need of additional support.
IEEP would like to thank Sergeant Ruben Perez and Lieutenant Audo Moreno for their assistance in coordinating the session and hosting the cohort.
Finally, IEEP thanks SBCSD for continuing to host the cohort and for their dedication to serving our communities with integrity and courage.
The next RLA session is February 14th, 2025: Healthcare, hosted by Loma Linda University Health.